Charred Corn with Saucy Jalapeno Hot Sauce

corn Hot sauce jalapeno

Unlike many dishes, salsa recipes can be blended with different flavors that you can essentially try almost any ingredient in this dish and still get something great. 

Making your own salsa is quite simple. This is an easy yet delicious salsa that can slap on your tacos, grilled chicken, fish, and pork, dash into a burrito bowl or you can just eat them straight.


2 Corn on the Cob

3-5 Tomatoes

1 Red Onion

1-2 Tablespoon Saucy Jalapeno Tomatillo Hot Sauce

1 Lime

Bunch of mint


2 Tablespoons Butter


  1. Chop the tomatoes into small cubes and put them in a sieve with a bowl underneath. 
  2. Sprinkle some salt and Pepper and mix them well
  3. While that happens, peel the husk off the corn and fire up the BBQ.
  4. Over high heat, get the corn charred.
  5. Just as the corn is reaching perfection, bush of with a mix of melted butter and chili powder. 
  6. Pull your corn off the grill, slice off the kernels and let it cool.
  7. Mix the corn, tomatoes, onions, Saucy jalapeno tomatillo hot sauce and mint. 
  8. Squeeze the lime on the mixture. 

Saucy is based in Las Vegas, Nevada. We have two different hot sauces available. We have Jalapeno Tomatillo Hot Sauce and Passion Fruit Habanero Hot Sauce.

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