Spinach Pesto with Saucy Jalapeno Hot Sauce

Hot sauce jalapeno pesto

Nothing beats fresh pesto sauce. So, ditch the pesto that comes in a jar, make it fresh, make it tasty and make it in the same day.

You can have a fresh pesto sauce all winter long with jalapeno spinach pesto. For only a couple of dollars you can buy a large bag of fresh spinach leaves and you’ll be able to make different batches of Jalapeno Spinach Pesto. 


2 cups fresh spinach leaves

3 cloves garlic

¾ to 1 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 cup pine nuts

1/3 to 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan

1 ½  Tablespoon Saucy Jalapeno Tomatillo 


Freshly ground pepper


  1. Blanched the spinach & garlic gloves into boiling water for 1 minutes
  2. Dry the spinach and garlic gloves
  3. Combine the spinach, garlic, pine nuts, Saucy Jalapeno Tomatillo, and enough extra virgin olive oil in a blender or food processor to make a smooth paste.
  4. Add the cheese. Stir to blend. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Scoop into a bottle and keep it refrigerated for a week.


The Jalapeno Spinach Pesto can be stored in the fridge for a week or so in a tightly covered container.

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