What are the Best Hot Sauces to Pair with Oysters?

Hot sauce

Oyster, a food that has been always linked with love as the Greek Goddess of love was formed from the foam of the sea, and the word "aphrodisiac" was formed.

But regardless of their aphrodisiac effect, oysters are low in fat and contain nutrients that are good for our body. Oysters are an excellent source of B2, thiamin, vitamin A, vitamin C, Vitamin D, and niacin. Also, Oysters have a lot of zinc.

And there’s nothing quite like a platter of oysters and flavorful hot sauce that complements well with each other.

Here are the two different flavors of our Saucy hot sauces that are best paired with oysters. 


Passion Fruit Habanero Hot Sauce on Oysters


Fill the serving bowl with ice and place them on ice. Drizzle the oysters with our Saucy Passion Fruit Habanero Hot Sauce. Serve immediately.

 Passion fruit habanero hot sauce paired with oysters

The passion fruit habanero hot sauce adds a sweet and tropical note to the distinct taste of the oyster. The pepper taste is not too overwhelming because of the passion fruit. Making it a great choice for those who like a little kick of heat and flavor.


Jalapeno Tomatillo Hot Sauce on Oysters


Grill an ear of corn but do not overcook it. Remove from heat and let it cool. Then, remove the kernels from the cob and set them aside.

Grill the oysters until all the oysters have opened. Add a ½ teaspoon of corn and ½ teaspoon of Jalapeno Tomatillo Hot Sauce to the top of the oysters. Serve hot. 


Our Saucy jalapeno tomatillo hot sauce adds a portion of flavor to the seafood without too much spice and just the right amount of flavor.



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